Sunday, December 28, 2014

Cradle Cap ?

Hey love bugs ..

So this post is about cradle cap. Which isn't a pretty picnic. So here's the definition of cradle cap.

Cradle cap, the common term for infantile seborrheic dermatitis, causes scaly patches on a baby's scalp. Though cradle cap isn't serious, it can cause thick crusting and white or yellow scales.
Cradle cap usually resolves on its own within a few months. Self-care measures, such as washing your baby's scalp daily with a mild shampoo, can help loosen and remove the cradle cap scales. If cradle cap persists or seems severe, your doctor may suggest a medicated shampoo, lotion or other treatment.

Both of my children suffered from cradle cap. I was more prepared for it the second time around. Here are some of the steps I take to help to safely remove the scales.

STEP 1: I was her hair with her normal baby wash. 
STEP 2 : During the washing process I take her baby brush and brush the shampoo thoroughly through her hair . 
STEP 3 : Dry hair with baby towel and brush out any scales that may have come loose due to the washing process. 
STEP 4 : Massage a nice amount of coconut oil onto your baby's scalp then brush your child's scalp once again . More of the dry scales should come loose. 
STEP 5 : Place a cap on your child's head for them to sleep overnight so the scalp can retain moisture ( greenhouse method )
STEP 6 : In the morning brush your child's hair to get rid of the flakes that came loose during the sleeping process. 
* Disclaimer - I am not a doctor this is just what I've learned from my own personal experience. While you are following these steps PLEASE be gentile with your child's scalp especially near the "soft spot " . Do not scrub or rub hard you will irritate the scalp and which you can cause it to bleed. Please do not scratch or pull any of the scales you can also cause bleeding . Proceed with caution when you are doing this treatment *  

I only wash and do the greenhouse method on my daughter 2/3 times a week being that I don't want to irritate her scalp but I do apply the coconut oil and brush her hair daily. It has come a long way an the cradle cap isn't fully gone but it has definitely cleared from most of her scalp.
Another step I follow maybe once a week is pouring breast milk on her scalp and letting it dry then washing it. I'm not sure if this really help but I do see a difference with how quickly the cradle cap is removed when I add this to her hair washing process. 

These pictures were taking after weeks of this treatment . She still has some visible patches but they are not as bad as they were when she was first born.

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