Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Crackle Me Up

My NOTW last week was Sally Hansen Crackle in Snow Blast & Avon nail wear pro in Jade. My nail polish collection is pretty big. I'm actually in the process of finding a nail rack . The way I'm storing my nail polish now is horrid. I have them all in a Sterilite container,  when I want to paint my nails I have to empty the entire container and sort through the polishes . Blahhh no bueno . So I'm on the quest !

The nail polish didn't crackle as much as I would have liked it too. I had to shake it for about a minute or so being that the nail polish has to be extremely thin in order for the crackle effect to work. I payed around 7 bucks for the crackle nail polish in Duane Reade . If you layer the nail polish it doesn't work so you have to try and coat you're nail in one swipe or paint half of the nail and apply more to the other half. 

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