Friday, April 29, 2011

Mini Update

It could all just be so simple....

Yeah Right . Whoever thought of that was never pregnant.

So I basically went to a specialist and come to find out i'm not due in June . Yeah such a bummer i'm actually due 10 days later July 7th. Im ready for Skyler (his name) to just come out. i've been through a lot of stress in the past 6 weeks. I work full time at a nursing home which means non stop walking and being on my feet. I go to school full time . Every single freaking day. Im falling behind because i'm not as focused as i should be. I have a lot of stress and i'm worried about a lot of things. Im currently looking for a place to live so Mike and I can be together to raise Skyler because it wont work out if we stay home. I constantly feel attacked by people, I just want to pack up and run away. You cant say you support and love someone but in the same breath get mad at them to the point where your not speaking. I just had enough of everyones attitude and listening to everyones feelings. When I try to speak my mind there is always something wrong. If my best friend wasn't as amazing as she is and didn't listen or console me i'd probably would have had a nervous breakdown by now. My baby shower is an utter cluster fuck I just don't want to be involved in anything anymore. Im fed up with everyone! Im fed up with school . I just want everything to be over. I feel like my son is causing problems for everyone and I don't want him to be around anyone for that reason. Im not being for anyone's pity or becoming the bitchy pregnant woman who wants attention. I just wish i'm being thought about a little bit more than I am. Pregnancy is supposed to be the happiest time of a woman's life & I wish I could experience the better times more.
31 weeks.

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