I haven't been blogging in a while but here's what happened in my life so far. I turned 21 Nov 16th Yayyy me. I had fun with the 3 friends that i do have. I'm at the point in my life where I don't want nor need extra people around me. I'm fine being a loner it really doesn't bother me. Some people want to be the center of attention and have so many people around them, but what they don't realize is that those people can give 4 rat turds about them. I also made a vow to wear everything in my closet more than once before I start shopping again. So far so good. I'm saving up for my apt in Cali I want to get out of here I'm tired of New York & all of the phony people. I'm going back to school so when I do move to California I can go to USC and study Journalism with a Public Relations minor. I'm hoping to accomplish this by the time I am 23 I refuse to stay in New York any longer.
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